“I can do nothing for you but work on myself…you can do nothing for me but work on yourself!”

Ram Dass

Recommended Reading

I May Be Wrong – Bjorn Natthiko Lindeblad

The Wise Heart – Jack Kornfield

Becoming Nobody – Ram Dass

Touching Peace – Thich Nhat Hanh

Light on Life – BKS Iyengar

Sin and Guilt – Ramesh Balsekar

The Upanishads – Eknath Easwaran

Zen mind beginners mind – Shunryu Suzuki

Real Life – Sharon Salzberg

Developing self compassion – Tara Brach

The doors of perception – Aldous Huxley

Seven Practices of a mindful leader – Marc Lesser

Falling into grace – Adyashanti

I am not the body – Sri Nisgargadatta Maharaj

Meister Ekharts Book of Secrets – Jon M Sweeney

Dantes Divine Comedy

The sense of wonder – Rachel Carson

Thoughts are not the enemy by Jason Siff

Faith – Sharon Salzberg

Walking each other home – Ram Dass

Dying to be me – Anita Moorjani

Awareness – Anthony Demello

Uncover Your Inner Peace

Uncover Your Inner Peace

Are you ready to embark on your own journey home? If you’re seeking inner peace, joy, self-discovery, and transformation, reach out to me. We will explore together your inward journey, helping you uncover the peace that resides within.