“The Little Things? The Little Moments? They Aren’t Little”
– Jon Kabat-Zinn

“I want to make mindfulness open to all” – My Story

Hi, I’m Aileen, and I want to make mindfulness practices accessible to everyone even you. Have you ever come across a description of a mindfulness course that said something like, “Embrace the transformative power of self-actualization through mindful presence,” and wondered what on earth that meant? Well, in plain language, it means learning how to be fully here in the moment and finding ways to be happy with yourself and the life you have now.

The thing is, mindfulness can sometimes sound like it’s wrapped up in a bunch of complicated words. But really, it’s for anyone looking to feel a bit better in their day-to-day life. That’s why I’ve made it my goal to break down the jargon and open up this space to all. Whether you’re scrolling through my website, joining one of my courses, or just having a chat with me, you’ll find everything explained in simple, easy-to-understand language.

Here’s a bit about my journey: I used to be all about chasing the traditional markers of success – high-pressure jobs, owning property, you name it. But sitting in my “dream” home one day, I felt this overwhelming sense of emptiness. That’s when I knew something had to change. I left my job, sold my stuff, and set off on an adventure that took me to Greece, South America, and eventually India. India was where I found some peace and spent three years diving deep into Meditation and Yoga, learning from incredible teachers.

But life threw me a curveball in September 2019 with an aggressive cancer diagnosis and the end of my marriage. During those long, sleepless nights, I wondered if I would make it through, all while listening to my little boy sleeping beside me. It was a period of intense learning and using every skill I had picked up to stay present and supportive for my son.

After beating cancer, I continued my journey, training as a Recollective Awareness Meditation teacher with Jason Siff, and I haven’t stopped learning since. My experiences, especially the tough ones, have taught me that life’s about how you relate to challenges, not avoiding them. It’s possible to face life’s storms with a calm heart and find joy in the everyday.

And that’s the heart of what I want to share. Mindfulness isn’t just for those who can meditate for hours or know all the fancy terms. It’s for anyone and everyone who wants a little more peace and happiness in their life. So, if you’re looking for a way to bring a bit of calm into your busy world, I’m here to help make that happen in a way that’s real and relatable.


I give thanks to the day I walked into Aileen’s class and that I persevered. For I am today, in a much better place both physically and mentally. ”

– Siobhan


“I would highly recommend the course and Aileen. Go for it. You won’t regret it.”

– Pádraig


“Training with Aileen has been a life changing journey.

– Pauline

Uncover Your Inner Peace

Uncover Your Inner Peace

Are you ready to embark on your own journey home? If you’re seeking inner peace, joy, self-discovery, and transformation, reach out to me. We will explore together your inward journey, helping you uncover the peace that resides within.